Pen Apple Pineapple pen when you first think like that. "What's it like music. Just a few sentences There is nothing interesting, "but there are many millions of people. Within a few days But listen to me To meet with the phenomenon known as EAR-WORM or listening ear, whether it be a lie to do any activity. I hear the music, makes Rang out sporadically Remove from the ear, does not. The concept of Japanese teacher named PiCo TaRo who had also invested a melody dancing itself to look like children, come see me cry because it is simple, easy to remember the lyrics a few sentences. Words have to remember just Pen Apple Pineapple takes less than one minute and then suddenly remembered. It's catchy again Now you have to lift a finger Ya think something like But our game is the music used in the game. Play games, listen to music over the course. Try it and see if it will play the sound Yong constant ear infections or the state. Let's see how long stick.